Acreage Developments — Haven Builders – Custom Home Builder in Saskatoon

Haven Builders - Custom Home Builder in Saskatoon

Acreage Developments

That Acreage Life

Whether you enjoy the wonderful elements of nature, natural wildlife or just want a plot of land to call your own, acreages are a great happy medium between the busyness of the city and the solitude of the homestead. Haven Builders is experienced and seasoned in completing acreage builds. 

watch acreage project testimonial

You work hard.

At the end of the day it’s time to put your feet up, grab a drink and enjoy a signature Saskatchewan sunset off your deck, drinking in the prairie landscape and the oasis that is your home.

You deserve it.

As with any custom project there are numerous details to be aware of when building on an acreage.  It is our job to co-ordinate these details and come up with creative solutions to challenges that may arise.  Your job?  Sit back, relax, and picture your first family BBQ and football game on your new plot of land!

Tailored to meet your every need, The Elmwood is perfect for acreage life just outside Saskatoon.

View the amazing features of this home in our progress video!

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